Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just say No, to processed foods...

As you all know, I'm against processed foods, we just don't spend anytime in the kitchen anymore. We don't make stocks or soups, we don't can, smoke or dry our foods, the pantry is empty going in to winter!

So if you want to stay healthy, start cooking!

The trouble with processed foods, is they are super refined, (for the most part). For example, let's take flour, because we now have the technology, we grind our flour so finely, that the pancreas turns into sugar, not good. I love a good sourdough bread, and as a treat I will buy a loaf, once in a while, cut two slices off of it and give the rest away. It's my treat Bruschette, yum... If you must eat bread all the time, then buy a sprouted grain bread, because the grains have sprouted, the body can digest it without stressing your system. Mark Sheppard at Bakery San Juan, makes a great sourdough, he retards the rise or let's it Prof for about 12 - 18 hrs, Because it is now basically in a fermented state, the body can digest it more easily than massed production breads...

He's a little tip, for taking the stress out of the holidays. Clean your oven now, don't wait until the bird's in the oven, and all the smoke alarms are going off!

Try this for Boxing day breakfast, instead of making scrambled eggs, with milk, try using coconut milk! Yum... About a 1/3rd of a cup (well mixed) per 2-3 eggs.

Bon Appetit, Hobbes

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