Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tips for Lowering Your Blood Pressure...

In 95% of cases, hypertension is closely related to lifestyle and dietary factors, which have a direct effect on the health of the arteries. Most Americans have a potassium to sodium ratio of 1:2, meaning they ingest more than twice as much sodium as potassium. Researches recommend a dietary potassium - to - sodium ratio of greater than 5:1 to maintain health.

The easiest way to lower sodium intake is to avoid prepared foods and table salt. The best way to boost potassium levels is to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes. When cooking legumes, such as beans, soak dried beans over night, and then cook them with a few small pieces of Kombu (kelp), the minerals in any seaweed, help beans cook faster and they become more digestible.

Politically correct dietary gurus tell us that polyunsaturated oils are good for us and that saturated fats cause cancer and heart disease. Such misinformation! Stay away from oils that are derived from corn, soy, safflower and canola. The only oils/fats you should be using is olive oil, coconut oil and butter.

Special foods for people with high blood pressure include fruits, celery, garlic, onions, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, sea vegetables, ground flax seed and broccoli. Cold water fish, such as salmon, mackerel, bonito, sardines and fish oil products.

Stay away from caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Stress reduction techniques, such as yoga, biofeedback, meditation may offer some benefit in lowing blood pressure. But even more important, regular aerobic exercise, for one hour a day, 4-5 days a week. If you're a light sleeper or have trouble sleeping, exercise in the morning, not at night...

If you need to lose weight, try taking two tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar (the brown murky looking stuff) with a little water just before each meal, this helps with digestion, and I've been told it helps with weight loss.

No corn, unfermented soy, flour, sugar, pasta or white rice. Quinoa is really good grain and should be used instead of rice. Use agave nectar, maple syrup or rapudura for a natural sweetener.

This information was found in, Healing Foods, Michael Murray. ND, Joseph Pizzorno. ND, Lara Pizzorno . M.A. , L.M.T. And Sally Fallon, and Mary G. Enig, Ph.D. Nourishing Traditions.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tips for Living a Healthy Life, and about your Thyroid Gland...

Bromides are a common endocrine dissruptor. Because Bromide is also a Halide, it competes for the same receptors that are used in the Thyroid Gland, to capture Iodine. This will inhibit Thyroid hormone production, resulting in a low Thyroid state. If you are exposed to Bromine, your body will not hold the Iodine that it needs.

Iodine is essential for your body, and is detected in every organ and tissue. Low Iodine levels, have been linked to numerous diseases including cancer.

Here are some places you will find Bromine, you may want to avoid these, get ready for this...

Unfermented soy

Hot tubs and swimming pools

Plastics, like bottled water and zip lock bags

Lotions and hair dye

Non organic strawberries

Bakery products, Potassium Bromate is used as a dough conditioner

All citrus flavored soda drinks, Brominated vegetable oil is used in these drinks, to suspend the flavour.

Remember every time you eat at a restaurant, or consume a hamburger or hot dog bun, you are consuming Bromide! Bakery San Juan, is a Bromide free bakery...

Some of these notes were from Dr Mercola.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Have a Friend in California, with Breast Cancer...

I have some really good news. . .

The bad news is my friend Lisa has breast cancer, the good news is, she's not having it... Lisa is talking with her Doctors, who are working with her to include a homeopathic approach to healing. While she is still doing the conventional cancer treatment, but she has done some cleansing work, to get rid of the build up of toxins in her body, that were properly caused by stress, processed foods and non organic veggies. She has changed her diet, to include only Organic, with no flour, corn, soy, sugar or processed foods... We spoke about a week ago, and she asked me about the white light therapy.

Well to make a long story short, She has taken the bull by the horns and decided to get well! In her own words, from an email, "The white Light Therapy is helping, I noticed a change right away, and my fingers are not as numb as they were". Lisa's already reduced the the size of the tumor by 20%, Go Lisa! She has a surgery date set for sometime in February, to remove the tumor, our goal is to keep shrinking it to nothing, and no surgery! I'll keep you posted, in the meantime please send her, your good thoughts and energy... Check out her jewelry at
Check out my sidebar, on cooking classes, starting this month. Namaste, Hobbes