Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tips for Living a Healthy Life, and about your Thyroid Gland...

Bromides are a common endocrine dissruptor. Because Bromide is also a Halide, it competes for the same receptors that are used in the Thyroid Gland, to capture Iodine. This will inhibit Thyroid hormone production, resulting in a low Thyroid state. If you are exposed to Bromine, your body will not hold the Iodine that it needs.

Iodine is essential for your body, and is detected in every organ and tissue. Low Iodine levels, have been linked to numerous diseases including cancer.

Here are some places you will find Bromine, you may want to avoid these, get ready for this...

Unfermented soy

Hot tubs and swimming pools

Plastics, like bottled water and zip lock bags

Lotions and hair dye

Non organic strawberries

Bakery products, Potassium Bromate is used as a dough conditioner

All citrus flavored soda drinks, Brominated vegetable oil is used in these drinks, to suspend the flavour.

Remember every time you eat at a restaurant, or consume a hamburger or hot dog bun, you are consuming Bromide! Bakery San Juan, is a Bromide free bakery...

Some of these notes were from Dr Mercola.

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